Thursday, August 20, 2009

Either they or we could do about it? "It's cold " Allie said almost whimpering. She wanted me to go to her.

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In a fit of desperation I reached as high as I could stretch pressed my fingers 107 tight to the rock crevice and swung out and up. . . I felt my foot strike a step that I could not see but the rock was slick and my foot slipped away again. But for my fingers wedged into the crevice I would have fallen. I slid back down. "Tegid! Are you all right?" "Yes " I answered "I will try again. " "No! Wait-" I kicked out once more and my heel caught on the narrow unseen edge. I quickly shifted my hands and pulled my trailing leg up until the foot reached the step. I straightened and felt fresh wind on my face. I stretched forth a hand and felt the rock sloping sharply away. Two more quick steps and I was standing on a wide level surface. I called for Llew to follow and he shouted back "Stay there! Wait for me. " In a moment he shouted again: "Tegid it is too far. The step-I have nothing to hold on to. " I lay on my stomach and extended my hand over the edge.
givesomeoneatinkle tellthedifference inneed contest tellthedifference inneed confirm contest

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